Locations - West Neighbourhood House

West Neighbourhood House (West NH) formerly St. Christopher House, has been a multi-service neighbourhood centre serving all age groups in downtown west Toronto since 1912. The mission of West NH is to enable less­ advantaged individuals, families and groups in the community to gain greater control over their lives and within their community.

We work with people living on a low-income, newcomers, Indigenous peoples, people who are homeless or underhoused, job seekers, and women experiencing violence. While the core of our work is programs and services, West NH also works upstream on poverty reduction, housing, and the determinants of health through social policy, research with partners and community organizing to achieve our mission.

Our catchment area is from Bloor street in the north, to Lake Ontario in the south, and between Bathurst Street in the east to Roncesvalles Avenue in the west. For more information, please visit the program pages.

Please see below for more information about each of our seven locations.

1) 248 Ossington Avenue

Our largest facility at 248 Ossington Avenue, at the corner of Ossington and Dundas West, which includes the following programs:


2) 588 Queen Street West

Our location at 588 Queen Street West includes the following:


3) 1497 Queen Street West

Our location at 1497 Queen Street West includes the following:


4) 20 and 25 West Lodge Avenue

Our location at 20 West Lodge Avenue, Unit #126 is the Parkdale base for our supports to older adults and people with disabilities:


5) 1447 King Street West

Our location at Springhurst Manor at 1447 King Street West, includes the following:


6) 1033 King Street West

Our location at 1033 King Street West includes:

7) 220 Cowan Avenue

Greenest City builds healthy, inclusive neighbourhoods through education and empowerment to preserve, protect and improve the environment. We are dedicated to growing good food, sharing good food and connecting people with community and the environment. Since January 2022, Greenest City has been a part of West Neighbourhood House.


If you are not sure which location you should go to for a particular service, please contact us at 416-532-4828 or email info@westnh.org and we will be happy to assist you.