Summer Day Camp - West Neighbourhood House

Poster for Summer Camp with animated children running

The Summer Day Camp at West Neighbourhood House provides a full-day program during the summer break for children 6 to 12 years of age.

Essential Information

What it is:

Summer Day Camp includes a variety of social and recreational activities ranging from sports, arts & crafts, skill-based games, child-directed and gross motor activities and more. This affordable program takes place in an integrated setting where children with different abilities come together to participate to their fullest potential.

Who can attend:

Children aged 6 to 12 are welcome to join our summer day camp programming.


This year, our Summer Day Camp will be taking place at Pope Francis Catholic School, at 319 Ossington Avenue, We will also take part in some trips and excursions.


This year, our camp will be running Monday to Friday from July 2nd to August 23rd. Families can register for the weeks that they would like their child(ren) to attend. 9am to 4pm daily.


Fees are between $44 to $110 per week.  Subsidies are available. For any questions or to apply for subsidy, please contact Mallory Cochrane at or call 416-532-7586 ext. 126.

How to register:

To register and for more information on subsidies, please call 416-532-7586, ext. 126.

Frequently Asked Questions: 

Do you offer camps at different times of the year?
Yes, we offer similar camps during the Winter and Spring school breaks as well as all School Board Professional Activity Days for children registered in our After School Program. These fees are based on family income and subsidies are available. 

My child doesn’t know how to swim. Is this a problem?
A child not knowing how to swim is not a problem. During any swimming elements of the Summer Camp Program, there are lifeguards on site and shallow areas for your child to enjoy.

How big are the groups?
Our group sizes may vary and depend on the number of registrations. However, we aim for a ratio of 1:8 between staff and children.