Newcomer Youth Program - West Neighbourhood House

A group of people making heart shapes.

The Newcomer Youth Program leads a variety of activities with a focus on skill-building, fighting social isolation, promoting civic engagement and building English-language skills. It will help youth meet new people and engage with others in the community.

The Newcomer Youth Program is currently taking place virtually and in-person, with daily activities on social media and weekly activities on Zoom and in-person at the 248 Ossington Avenue location. Join us!

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to keep up to date on events and activities.

Read about our Youth in Families Leadership Program here.

Essential Information

Who can join:

The Newcomer Youth Program is open to all youth aged 13-24 who identify as a newcomer to Canada. We are a LGBTQ+ inclusive program.


Most of our activities take place in person and on Zoom, as well as our channels on Instagram TV and Facebook TV





How to register:

We would love to meet and get to know you! Please register for an event by completing this form:


Feel free to message us on social media at any time: Instagram and Facebook

Call or send a text to one of our youth workers if you have any questions or if you do not have social media:

Youth Settlement Workers

John Kok:  or 416-206-8043

Somya Khanal:  or 416-278-9729

Jorge Cordero Rodriguez: or 437-774-5016

Kitt Azores: or 416-473-3260

Tajkiran Grewal: or 647-268-4417

Kahlia Brown:  or 416-994-7379

Languages spoken by the youth workers:

Our Youth Workers speak Tagalog, Hindi, Urdu, Spanish, French, Cantonese, Punjabi, Ilonggo, Nepali, and English. Please contact Jani at or 416-532-7586 ext. 401, if you are hoping to communicate in another language.

Book an appointment with a youth worker:

Do you need a tutor? Need help finding a job? Are you looking for information on post-secondary education, scholarships, and how to apply? Have questions about life after school? Interested in ways you can de-stress and take care of your health/wellbeing? We have Youth Workers on hand to help!

To book an appointment for tutoring, help with finding a job, and post-secondary information/applications, call/text Jorge at 437-774-5016 or register by completing this form:

Contact Jorge

Sign up for our youth employment newsletter:

Sign Up

Positive Space. This is a place where human rights are respected and where lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgender, two spirit and queer people, and their friends and allies, are welcomed and supported.


Frequently Asked Questions

I need to earn volunteer hours. How can I do that through this program?
Yes! We have a wide variety of experiences to help youth complete community service hours or enhance your resume. Please email or DM us on Instagram and we’ll get back to you with a volunteer activity you can engage with.

I don’t know if I identify as a newcomer. What qualifies as a newcomer?
Youth aged 13-24 who were born outside of Canada (regardless of immigration status and length of residence in Canada).

I don’t have social media. Can I still participate?
We offer in-person activities and through Zoom which you are welcome to participate in.

I’m looking for a job. Can you help? 
Absolutely! We always post about new opportunities here. We also recommend visiting the City of Toronto youth employment website for information on job fairs, summer opportunities and more.

How can I contact your program leaders and youth settlement workers?


Jani Trindade, Immigrant and Refugee Services Coordinator: or 416-532-7586 ext. 401

Youth Settlement Workers

John Kok:  or 416-206-8043

Somya Khanal:  or 416-278-9729

Jorge Cordero Rodriguez: or 437-774-5016

Kitt Azores: or 416-473-3260

Tajkiran Grewal: or 647-268-4417

Kahlia Brown:  or 416-994-7379

What organizations do you have partnerships with?

We are grateful to have partnerships with the following schools and agencies:

  • North York Community House
  • S.E.A.S Centre (Support Enhance Access Service Centre
  • CultureLink Settlement and Community Services
  • CICS (Centre for Immigrant and Community Services)
  • City of Toronto, Parks, Forestry and Recreation
  • Stephen Leacock Collegiate Institute
  • Parkdale Collegiate Institute
  • Working Women Community Centre

How long has the Newcomer Youth Program been around? 
The Newcomer Youth Program has been supporting young people in Toronto since 2008.

Logos for NYP Funders