West Employment Services and Training Program is permanently closed - West Neighbourhood House

A participants attends a program at WEST

 Thank you for visiting our West Employment Services and Training (WEST) page. Our program has provided free services to help job seekers find work and local employers hire qualified workers since 1998.

Unfortunately, our employment program is permanently closed. This decision has been made after careful consideration, and we appreciate the opportunities we have had to work with the community.

There are other Employment Ontario programs that you can contact with for assistance with your job search.

If you do not live in the West Neighbourhood House catchment area, please visit Find Employment and Training  www.featfindhelp.ca to find an appropriate program closest to you.

We wish you the best of luck with your job search.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact:

Judi Snively, Coordinator of Career Pathways & Adult Learning.
416-848-7980 ext 122

This Employment Ontario service is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the
Government of Ontario.

Other resources

Are you a newcomer to Canada? Our Newcomer Settlement Program can provide additional employment help, as well as other support. Learn more at westnh.org/newcomersettlement

Do you need to improve your writing, reading, math or computer skills for work, school or life?  Do you want to go to college but haven’t finished high school? Contact our adult learning programs:  westnh.org/learning.

Overwhelmed by financial stress during the pandemic? Get tax and money help by emailing feps@westnh.org, or visit westnh.org/financialempowerment for more information.


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