Social Dining - West Neighbourhood House

Older adults eat together at West Neighbourhood House

Social Dining provides a clean and safe space for older adults to share a meal, learn about seniors nutrition and participate in group activities.

Learn more about our programming for older adults.

Essential Information

Who is eligible:

Older adults (55 years of age or over) who live within Bloor Street to the north, Lake Ontario to the south, Roncesvalles Avenue to the west and Yonge Street to the east.


248 Ossington Ave.


Monday to Friday, 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.


For cost information, please Seniors Intake at 416-532-7586, ext. 146

How to register:

Call Seniors Intake at 416-532-7586, ext. 146

Frequently Asked Questions

What special events happen at Social Dining? 
The Social Dining program puts on many special events, including a weekly Vietnamese seniors social group, cultural celebrations, and nutrition education and diabetes prevention clinics in partnership with other professional service providers.

What is the goal of the Social Dining program?
Our goal is to decrease the isolation of older adults by offering opportunities for social interaction, particularly through dining.