Corporate Volunteering Examples - West Neighbourhood House

United Way Day of Caring 

Does your workplace run a United Way Campaign?  If yes, consider doing a Day of Caring® 

West Neighbourhood House is a proud supporter of United Way’s Day of Caring® volunteer program which connects corporate groups to a variety of different volunteer opportunities across Toronto & York Region. Projects range from gardening, mentoring, special event assistance, and more and are hosted at community agencies, including West Neighbourhood House, engaging people in activities that help to improve the lives of people across the region.  For more information, please contact your workplace’s United Way campaign committee. 


Serve a Meal to Seniors 

Diverse older adults in our community attend programs at West Neighbourhood House to reduce social isolation and learn new skills later in life. Several times a year, the seniors celebrate occasions with a special meal. Participate in one of these events with your group of 8-12 people and serve a special meal for a group of seniors. 

Your team will receive: 

  • A volunteer orientation and tour 
  • Support from West Neighbourhood House staff 
  • A chance to connect with seniors from various backgrounds 


Deliver Meals on Wheels 

The Meals on Wheels program at West Neighbourhood House delivers over 39,000 meals a year to isolated seniors and people with disabilities throughout our community. The program relies on volunteer drivers and runners (and in the summer cyclists) to deliver these meals. In our busy downtown core, there are fewer volunteers who have access to vehicles and it is often difficult for us to find enough drivers to deliver meals. That is why we are looking for businesses that would like to contribute to the community by providing a vehicle/s and employees to deliver Meals on Wheels. 

While committing to weekly or monthly volunteer hours is ideal (eg. every Friday), it is also possible to volunteer for one day. 

Your team will receive: 

  • A volunteer orientation and tour 
  • Support from West Neighbourhood House staff 
  • A chance to get to know the neighbourhood, connect with other volunteers, and have meaningful interactions with isolated people in our community 


Get Involved with the Newcomer Youth Program  

Bring your skills to our Newcomer Youth Program by providing a workshop (eg. a resume clinic or art-based project) or participating in a sports activity. This program is open to youth ages 13-24. These opportunities typically take place in the afternoon and evening (between 3:30-8pm). 

Your team will receive:  

  • Support from West Neighbourhood House staff 
  • The opportunity to share your skills with newcomer youth 



To learn more, please email or call 416-532-4828 ext. 171. 

Please note, our corporate volunteer program is currently on pause.

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