Case Management - West Neighbourhood House

Our Case Management services assist older adults, people with disabilities and their caregivers to live independently in the community, providing help with intake, in-home and office assessments, individual and family counselling, and more.

Case Management is open and accepting new referrals. We are providing assistance remotely, with in-person support available as needed. Please contact us at 416-532-7586 ext. 146 to learn more.

Learn more about our programming for older adults.

Essential Information

What our Case Management team can help with:

  • Intake
  • In-home and office assessments
  • Information and referral
  • Crisis assistance and intervention
  • Development of care plans to meet the individual/family needs
  • Individual and family counseling
  • Assistance in accessing health care services, financial benefits and other community resources
  • Assistance with filling out forms
  • Education, training, and support groups for caregivers
  • Advocacy on behalf of clients
  • Income tax clinic for individuals who meet the financial and program eligibility criteria

Who is eligible:

  • Older adults (55 years of age or over) and adults with disabilities
  • Older adults with no immediate support upon hospital discharge (e.g. elderly frail spouse, family out of town/at work etc.)
  • Referral can be made by friends, relatives, health professionals or the person requiring service

Participants must reside between Bloor Street to Lake Ontario, Roncesvalles Avenue to Yonge Street.


Over the phone, video calls or in-person, as needed.


Monday to Friday — 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Saturdays — 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

If you need support outside of these hours, you may make an appointment by calling 416-532-7586 ext. 146


Counselling, training and support group sessions are free of charge.

How to register:

Call Seniors Intake at 416-532-7586 ext. 146