We are almost there! We have reached $70,000 in donations towards our Winter Appeal.
Help change the conditions that drive social inequities in our community by donating to our Winter Appeal!
West Neighbourhood House has been heart at work building inclusive neighbourhoods! This time of the year, we ask for your financial support to sustain the community-building work of the House.
West Neighbourhood House (West NH) formerly St. Christopher House, has been a multi-service neighbourhood centre serving all age groups in downtown west Toronto since 1912.
Since its beginning, the organization has always been about fostering caring relationships and building bridges between people with differing views are the best long-term strategies for building a more equitable and inclusive society for everyone.
By giving to the House, you can help change the conditions that drive social inequities.
Read the full Winter Appeal letter on our website: westnh.org/winterappeal/
Join us in strengthening our community—by donating at westnh.org/donate.