Running Group Volunteer - West Neighbourhood House

Newcomer Youth Program is seeking a volunteer (18 years old and older) to assist in a bi-weekly Running Group program. The program promotes engagement among newcomer youth and volunteers, and aims to be a supportive, encouraging, and fun environment for newcomer youth between 13-24 years of age.


Volunteer Duties:

  • Assist with leading stretching exercises for warm-up and cool down.
  • Support youth in the running group by providing recommendations and encouragement for gradual improvement of running abilities.
  • Provide feedback and suggestions regarding optimal running routes and safety procedures.
  • Assist staff with monitoring running group participants to ensure safety while running, or if the group is separated.
  • Actively engage with staff and newcomer youth to learn about how the program can improve and provide feedback.


Skills Required:

  • Must have Vulnerable Sector Check at the start of volunteering.
  • Previous experience with running, either recreational or competitive.
  • Knowledgeable of fitness and running apps like Strava, Google Fit, or Nike Run.
  • Familiar with Toronto’s west end and downtown.
  • Comfortable leading a group of 5 or more people during warm-up and cool-down.
  • Experience working with youth is an asset.
  • Ability to speak Farsi, Arabic, Pashto, Dari, Spanish, or Tagalog is an asset.
  • Must have excellent English-speaking skills.
  • Must be friendly, open, reliable, patient, non-judgmental and non-discriminating, and have good interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Must have cross-cultural sensitivity.


Orientation & Training:

  • Staff provide orientation when volunteer starts.
  • Staff provide on-going support.


Program Time:

  • Available Monday evening(s), from 4:30 pm – 7:00 pm.


How to Apply / Contact

Please call 416-532-4828, ext 171 or email for more information. You can apply to be a volunteer by completing this application form:


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